
Radical Self- Responsibility

Taking radical responsibility for our selves and our impact upon the planet-  What does that mean?  From taking responsibility for our food consumption, and where our food comes from– to where our water comes from and how to care for and protect clean water systems.  This means being mindful of what materials we build with, and what ingredients we wash our bodies and homes with- as these residues ultimately go back to the water supply.   This means being mindful of our waste and any disposable material being brought into the space.  In being mindful of our needs and impact, we create a living and learning playground that is abundantly co-creating with nature, and honoring of each other’s individual sovereignty. 

April 16 - 22, 2024

Costa Rica Freedom Cells Retreat

5 Days: 5 Elements
Activist-Nature Immersion

Dedicate to the Next Level of Your Purpose & Practice within a Sacred Container of Jedis

Rejuvenate & Activate Your Body-Mind-Spirit

Poco Mas Sol Regenerative Farm & Events Center

Organic Permaculture &
Food Forests

At Poco Mas Sol we believe organic, living soil is gold and so we strive to ensure no harmful chemicals enter our soil or water supply. With abundant food forests and gardens, we work in co-creation with the land to aim for eventually 100% food self-sufficiency. We offer Permaculture & Agroforestry workshops and continued education opportunities throughout the year as well as a few work-away opportunities.

Retreat Hosting

We offer a few in-house retreats per year rooted in self-responsibility and permaculture principles. We also offer Poco Mas Sol event spaces for retreat hosting based on availability with catering options.

Day Rentals & Short Stays

Book Poco Mas Sol for a workshop, day event, or guest-chef experience.

We also have a few space accommodations for those looking for a private get-away. Jungle tours and farm-to-table dinners can be arranged for guests and small groups.

Regenerative AgroForestry

20 years ago we heard the call to land and food-independence, and founded Poco Mas Sol Food Forest in Costa Rica.  Here we play with natural and regenerative farming techniques, craft food & medicines, exchange knowledge and build communities that respect nature and individual freedoms. 

By developing and nurturing a local network of care and exchange, we aim to create a thriving eco-system of humans in harmony with nature for generations to come.

Join us for our next Retreat in March 2024:
Freedom Cells Costa Rica - 5 Elements Activist Immersion

Our Roots & Philosophy

Individual Freedom

We respect the inherent rights of everyone in our community, regardless of demographics, politics, or personal opinions. We believe in collaboration, not coercion. Members of our communities are co-creators and share responsibility along with the rewards.

Community Self-Sufficiency

We aim to produce 100% of our needs within our farm, and exchange with neighbors for the things we don’t produce yet. This is all done outside of a central banking system, utilizing barter, crypto-currencies and parallel exchange-networks.

Education & Culture

Our community is a place for minds, bodies, and souls to flourish alongside the rainforest. We are always working to improve accommodations for visitors and produce regular music, cultural and educational events and permaculture learning programs. 

We're looking for Green Builders and Permaculturists

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